This week we celebrated the end of Unit 1 of our second year of Tapestry of Grace with a Medieval Feast. The feast was attended by the queen's mother, a jester, a couple of peasants, and a noble from a neighboring country. A knight recently returned from the holy land regaled the guests with tales of his travels, and the princesses of the court were basically in charge of the facilities and proceedings. Somehow, the appearance of the king and queen were not recorded.

The Royal Menu: Cider, Mead, Rose Petal Bread, Cabbage Stew, a variety of cheeses and leafy greens, pheasant (fried chicken from the deli at Hannaford) and Boar's head (canned ham).
After the meal, festivities adjourned outdoors for an archery demonstration and a joust. One of the princesses converted to a Joan of Arc, and the other to a Viking warrior (you may notice it's Astrid from How to Train your Dragon- I found the costume at an Impact Thrift Store on our recent trip to PA and didn't realize what it was.) It did the job though!

We played some games, the names of which I do not recall, and then came back inside to play Medieval Games on the Wii (it was chilly out after all).
Awesome~! Great pictures :)