The biggest hitch to the party was probably that I couldn't find an great place to stand in my living room, because it is long and narrow. From the best place to be seen by all, I wouldn't have any place to put my materials within easy reach.

Because this was my first party, I was both the hostess and the consultant. I thought it would be double-dipping to take the prizes as the hostess, but my supervisor assured me that the generous rewards were for me! I got the promised snowman truffles & Lindt Bears, as well as a nice credit and some half-price items that I used to order more supplies for future parties, like more coffee truffles & some dark peppermint! I am excitedly stalking my order on-line (the label has been printed), and waiting for it to arrive. My husband is stalking the the leftover samples and complaining about not getting any (because I need them for another party this Friday).
When I began this adventure, I realized I had some serious Fear of Failure issues. All I wanted was to make back my investment and not crash and burn, having wasted the money. I am happy to say that I made my money back at my first party! So from here on, although I have to order supplies and things, I am making a profit. I have more events booked, and many more leads to follow up on, some sort of surprising! Now I fear that I won't be able to keep up with it! I know that business may not always be quite this good~ I am riding a wave of holiday gifting, etc., but I for now, it's going to be great.